Supernatural Selection Episode Archive
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Week in Weird 11-25-24
Microplastics! Monkey updates! Alex Jones’ insane URLS! All this and possibly the funniest humanoid encounter in human history on this week’s Week in Weird!
Cogito Ergo Doleo
Find more info about the show at https://www.supernaturalselectionpod.com/
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Theme music by FC Music Studios - https://soundbetter.com/profiles/408824-fc-music-studios
Friends of the Show!
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Spooky Dice Bag: https://spookydicebag.com/
The Flying Dutchman - Pass the Dutchie on the Starboard Side
It’s Nautical Nonsense this week on Supernat as David tells us about the oceanic boogieman that is the Flying Dutchman! Meanwhile, Kevin and Mike giggle at the word “seaman”.
Show Outline: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E6o6Un83b32O58_FHWydhwyj5uu-eJSCZjXj2oRkjcs/edit?usp=sharing
Cogito Ergo Doleo
Find more info about the show at https://www.supernaturalselectionpod.com/
Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/supernaturalselection
Find info about our zine here: https://www.supernaturalselectionpod.com/zines
Theme music by FC Music Studios - https://soundbetter.com/profiles/408824-fc-music-studios
Friends of the Show!
Flagged for Content: https://linktr.ee/flaggedforcontent
Spooky Dice Bag: https://spookydicebag.com/
Kevin tells us about various ghost lights around the world, both in folklore and places you can and see them right now!
Show Outline: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11nt4Hi6hdCS0UyGv_KNfisLxPMuJFqhfq6_PXlI4YrU/edit#heading=h.54fyg5h32lpn
Cogito Ergo Doleo
Find more info about the show at https://www.supernaturalselectionpod.com/
Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/supernaturalselection
Find info about our zine here: https://www.supernaturalselectionpod.com/zines
Theme music by FC Music Studios - https://soundbetter.com/profiles/408824-fc-music-studios
Friends of the Show!
Flagged for Content: https://linktr.ee/flaggedforcontent
Spooky Dice Bag: https://spookydicebag.com/
Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Join us this week as David takes us through the fascinating world of Tuberculosis! I mean GHOSTS! We’re talking the Waverly Hills Sanatorium! Possibly the most haunted place in America!
Cogito Ergo Doleo
Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KY723HOcbmQBZwnfWcC58u8hnurV0yDYTwB3mBIH7Fs/edit?usp=sharing
Find more info about the show at https://www.supernaturalselectionpod.com/
Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/supernaturalselection
Theme music by FC Music Studios - https://soundbetter.com/profiles/408824-fc-music-studios
Check out some good friends of the show!
Flagged for Content: https://linktr.ee/flaggedforcontent
Spooky Dice Bag: https://spookydicebag.com/
Phantom Black Dogs
This week the guys talk about the phenomena of Phantom Black Dogs and its possible origins. Mike remains unconvinced. . .