The Distraction Hole Archive

The Distraction Hole is the pop-culture spinoff of Supernatural Selection - because you can’t be working all the time.

“Tears of the Kevin” (5/22/23)

David hosts the first trip down The Distraction Hole as Kevin regales us with tales of Canadian anti-bear armor, Mike and David gush about Tears of the Kingdom, and David talks about a sci-fi workspace comedy you need to watch. All that plus Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 discussion, fan questions, and workshopping which Star Wars quote is most applicable to day-to-day life.

“Spiders, Man.” (6/6/23)

Kevin and Mike talk Across the Spiderverse, give an update on the shows they're watching, and suddenly remember that Earth: Final Conflict was a thing.

“Robots with Moustaches” (6/12/23)

It’s a robot-filled Distraction Hole as Kevin, Mike, and David talk Transformers, mecha, and anime!

“Let’s Talk About Da Bear” (7/11/23)

This week in The Distraction Hole, David is dying to talk about The Bear. But before that, the boys talk about delays. Mike updates us on his gaming habits and his new Ranma 1/2 binge. Plus, Kevin likes THREE things this week, believe it or not! All that plus pitching movies and celebrity birthdays.

“Hot Spock and the Hairy Homonculus” (7/26/23)

The gang reunites after a break with an extra helping of distraction including a Star Trek crossover for the ages, the minutia of The Wheel of Time, and Mike's further exploits in the world of gaming and anime. All that plus a nostalgic game, wisdom of The Iron Sheik, and a startling discovery about guitarist Slash.

“You Wouldn't 3D-Print a Tom Cruise” (8/8/23)

In this episode, Mike takes control and we talk 3D printing, Tom Cruise, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, plus, a very special game of fantasy casting. All that plus technical difficulties!

“El Kermit Diablo” (8/15/23)

This week in The Distraction Hole, David is in control and talks at length about Diablo IV while Kevin offers up some Muppet memories. We also plumb the depths of Mike and ask a simple question: why is he the way he is? All that plus iconic needle drops in film and television.

“Ahsoka’n In It” (8/9/23)

It's the week before DragonCon and the hosts catch up on their distractions. Mike talks mechs and Ranma 1/2, Kevin talks MMOs, and David, regrettably, talks about Isekai anime. Plus thoughts on the first two episodes of Ahsoka, sponsorships, and a game about... gaming? Just try climbing out of this extra-deep Distraction Hole.

“Hot Sauce Hose” (9/12/23)

This week Mike forgot he was hosting, so we have an extra chaotic tumble down The Distraction Hole. On the docket this week: One Piece on Netflix, The Wheel of Time on Amazon, the looming threat of Starfield, and a DragonCon roundup. All that plus a game of Would You Rather.

“Frog In The Garbage” (9/27/23)

This week David steers the ship and we take on a guest with Gage, who talks The Flash. Kevin shares thoughts on the very same movie, and Mike talks bowling balls and more Ahsoka thoughts. David shares a story about a rather sporting outing. All that plus a story about a frog in the garbage in this week's The Distraction Hole.

“Skyrim in Space, Basically” (10/25/23)

The guys return after a hiatus. Skin is growing. Things are okay. Podcasts, Starfield, and Mike's Medley are on offer this week. Plus an absolutely stacked list of birthdays. All that and David wins this week's game and not just because he is writing this episode description.

“Of Dicks and Demon Slayer” (11/1/23)

Mike is hosting this week and he's really feeling it. This week Kevin talks Baldur's Gate 3. David lays down some Halloween TV suggestions. Meanwhile Mike discusses the anime Demon Slayer. All that plus the state of reviews on YouTube, celebrity birthdays, deaths, and a music-oriented game.

“Doctor Who Dat?” (11/8/23)

Everyone is a little under the weather this week, but distractions are still to be had. Mike introduces some new anime and catches up on an old favorite. David talks Doctor Who and hopes for the new series. Kevin entertains us with further exploits from Baldur's Gate 3... and they're kinda horny. All that plus questions, birthdays, and an exciting game of Muppet horror.

“For the Love of Godzilla” (12/13/23)

Kevin leads us into the Distraction Hole this week with thoughts on the Doctor Who anniversary specials, Mike hits us with some more anime of the mecha variety, and David talks Godzilla's bounty. All that plus roleplaying game memories and more.

“Hot Claus” (12/21/23)

Happy Holidays from The Distraction Hole. Mike hosts this mostly festive episode featuring three tired hosts bringing gifts of Christmas movie debates. Plus, is Mrs. Claus hot? Find out all that and more with The Distraction Hole.

“Cake Farts” (2023 In Review) (1/11/24)

In the first episode of The Distraction Hole of 2024, the guys talk about what best distracted them in 2023. They also think about what they're looking forward to in the year ahead. Plus a game of "Corrupt a Resolution." Also... cake farts.

“Truckers vs. Cthulhu” (2/9/24)

The boys return from a bit of a break to update one another on their distractions. Mike's anime corner adds some new titles and there is talk of model making. Kevin talks mythos anthologies and revisiting his webcomic. David talks some games and his latest tabletop RPG adventure. All that plus a game of action movie catchphrases in the latest episode of The Distraction Hole.

“Marrowsmith” (2/22/24)

The guys gather to talk their distractions. Kevin regales with his nostalgic dive into gaming past. David brings up Marvel Studios' big week. Meanwhile, Mike has been indulging in a little too much fantasy anime. All that plus a game about giant robots. Welcome to The Distraction Hole.

“Bless the Maker and His Cristal” (3/14/24)

The Distraction Hole is back and this week there is a Shai-Hulud-sized discussion of Dune: Chapter Two. Plus, the boys talk Helldivers 2 and Overlord. Also, a look back at the work of the great Akira Toriyama. Plus... CERVEZA CRISTAL.

“Gather Ye X-Mens” (4/1/24)

The boys are back to talk the pop-culture obsessions they've had since the last episode. David is back and talks Godzilla X Kong and 3 Body Problem. Mike continues his campaign against bugs and bots in Helldivers 2, along with his anime report. Meanwhile, Kevin talks X-Men '97 and brings us a literary game, of sorts. And that is where the murders began. All that and more in this episode of The Distraction Hole.

“Simping for Stooges” (4/24/24)

This week the guys are back for The Distraction Hole and end with an unhinged game of FMK - who is the sexiest Stooge? Other than that, Mike hosts this week and asks David to share his distractions, including too many horror films. Later, Kevin sends the show down a distraction hole within The Distraction Hole with a deep dive on Transformers continuity. Finally, Mike introduces Fallout's TV adaptation and the boys talk about life on the wasteland.

“Total Cat-astrophe” (5/8/24)

THE CATS ARE RISING UP! This week David hosts and talks Resident Alien and a little Tales of the Empire. Mike has finally caught up with X-Men '97 and a spoilerific discussion ensues. Finally, Kevin brings up what else, but Fallout 4... and the Fallout TTRPG?! All that plus legally-mandated Muppets and a particularly ripe game of Would You Rather? Don't worry, it's just The Distraction Hole.

“Fallout Into The Distraction Hole” (5/15/24)

We're a Fallout podcast now, but we have some other stuff too, we swear! Kevin talks classic X-Men, Mike reveals he is a pepperboy in addition to his wasteland exploration, and David talks B-movies, including the latest Planet of the Apes film. All that plus Mad Max, dream Fallout sequels, and a game.

“Mad Mike's Wasteland Musings” (5/30/24)

Mike is in the driver's seat this week as the guys reflect on the new release Furiosa. Meanwhile, Kevin gets into shortwave radio and David talks about Star Trek: Discovery. All that, plus a game of wasteland names. But will anyone beat the canon Mad Max character name of Rictus Erectus or Scrotus? You've fallen into The Distraction Hole and it's full of guzzoline.

“Malcolm in the Middle of The Distraction Hole” (6/13/24)

David hosts this week's plunge into The Distraction Hole and talks the latest XBox reveal and the comforting nostalgia of Malcolm in the Middle. Mike updates his anime list and is looking for suggestions. Meanwhile, Kevin talks Douglas Adams and the latest Doctor Who. Plus an easily derailed game of "One Word at a Time."

“The Return of the Film Gage” (7/11/24)

Kevin leads another expedition down the Distraction Hole this week, only to find returning guest the FilmGage already at the bottom. This week, Kevin talks Doctor Who and vociferously defends himself over not having seen The Goonies. Mike's anime corner covers rom-coms such as Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out! and Horimiya. Meanwhile David strikes a negative tone early with a rant about fandoms, but things take a more enthusiastic spin when he and FilmGage talk Maxxxine, giallo, and other filmy bits. All that plus listener questions and a game of Transformer Your Car.

“Supermen, Shield Heroes, and Showdowns (of Ultimate Destiny)” (7/18/24)

Mike hosts and the boys discuss everything from Superman to Marvel. There's also nostalgia-baiting conversations about fast food, anime, and Mike's billion dollar indulgence. All that plus a game inspired by the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. Come crawl around in the filth in this week's episode of The Distraction Hole.

“Supermen, Deadpool, Wolverine, and The Distraction Hole” (8/8/24)

This week's episode is an extra-stuffed chimichanga of Deadpool and Wolverine spoilers and thoughts, plus catching up with the other distractions of the past few weeks. We have Mike's anime avalanche featuring six shows including realistic CGI deer and vampire romance. Meanwhile David talks the newest Batman series, Batman: Caped Crusader. Plus, Kevin shares some thoughts on re-reading classic X-Men comics and a discussion about major talents defining characters. All that plus a game! Come on down to The Distraction Hole!

“Here There Be Dragoncons” (9/19/24)

This week Kevin is in the driver's seat of the show with a DragonCon roundup and plenty more X-Men impressions. Mike's anime corner features series for every taste, even those of the dang ass freaks. Meanwhile, David ponders a road not taken and talks Team Fortress 2. All that plus funny animal noises for this week's game. Welcome to The Distraction Hole... you've already fallen in it.

“The Bald and the Bad” (9/26/24)

Take a trip to the dark side this week, hosted by Mike. David talks DC's The Penguin. Kevin updates us on his distractions including the totally unexpected return of Transformers to the podcast. Meanwhile, Mike explains a couple of new anime he has watched. Then a very serious game of which hero to bring to our world... with the wrinkle that their greatest villains arrive too. Enjoy your latest delve into The Distraction Hole.

“The Davis Haus of Horror” (10/10/24)

David takes over The Distraction Hole this week for an acknowledgment of the spookiest season. He tries new podcast catch phrases and discusses the joy of creating after a hiatus. Meanwhile, Mike delivers a particularly quirky anime corner full of the wacky anime you've come to expect. Kevin indulges in Lovecraftian fiction with another book recommendation. All that plus a discussion on fandom, listener questions, and a horror game that falls of the rails but ends up sticking the landing.

“We Live In A Lovecraftian Society” (10/25/24)

This week Kevin takes the lead; Mike talks anime and a big ass monitor. David talks Abbott Elementary. Kevin hits us with the H. P. Lovecraft Society and some talk about The Real Ghostbusters. All that plus a game of timeshare pitching at Camp Crystal Lake.

“Mike’s Chill Zone” (10/31/24)

Mike's one cool cat this week as we all hang out in his chill zone. David embraces a month of horror movies, Kevin talks about his experience with the Lovecraft society, and Mike is looking for new anime to watch. All that plus a last minute game. Join us in The Distraction Hole.

“Whose Crime is it Anyway?” (11/13/24)

David plumbs the depths of the criminality of the trio this week, but before their sins are laid bare, Mike talks about his latest anime experiences including slimes and cute rockers. Kevin continues his X-Men watch and covers the weird world of Meatcanyon on Youtube. Also, things get a little biblical. Finally, David covers a theatrical release of a controversial anime and dives into pleasure reading again. And then the criminality starts... welcome to The Distraction Hole.

“Waffle House Summoning Sigils” (11/21/24)

Kevin hosts this week with a little lore behind Waffle House and the memberberries of cable TV. Mike covers the further exploits of the one slime anime, and discusses adult purchases such as silverware and lockpicks. Finally David covers spicy catholic movies and holiday treats. All that plus a game that threatens to tear the show apart in this week's installment of The Distraction Hole.

“Thanksgiving Aftermath” (12/5/24)

Mike hosts a post-Thanksgiving show and leads a rather spirited game. Meanwhile, David covers his latest anime obsession, Kevin talks about advent calendars, and covers multiplayer fun. That plus the continuing discussion of Dandadan on The Distraction Hole.

“Racist Hobo Santa Christmas” (12/21/24)

David is in the driver's seat for the last episode of 2024 and crashing it with no survivors, featuring Christmas memories, an episode-spanning game, and plenty of chatter about recent distractions. This week, Mike leads the Dandadan check-in while breaking down some of the works of Brandon Sanderson. Kevin brings up plenty of Christmas nostalgia and covers a strange Russian MST3K parody. David covers his recent movie list and an emulation device.

“Gooning with Friends” (2/21/25)

It's been two months but we're back and Kevin is at the helm of this ship. As we discuss whether we should just turn the show into a Brandon Sanderson podcast, we engage in a bit of gooning, just for you listeners. All that, plus Mike, David, and Kevin's distractions and a fun game. Goon with us, won't you?

Goonbeard, Son of Gloin (3/13/25)

Kevin updates us on his progress on the Stormlight Archives and shares the joys of stickers. David talks about the only movie review show with several associated felonies in On Cinema at The Cinema. Meanwhile, host Mike tries to keep it together with updates on his hobbies, Invincible, but forgets to bring a game along. This is The Distraction Hole. Distracted much?