Episodes by Topic
Our podcast episodes but grouped by topic; in the mood for cryptids? We got you fam.
Conspiracies and Hoaxes
The Supernatural Selection approach to conspiracies and hoaxes. We may not have answers, but we do have opinions!
Kevin and Mike discuss the Hollow Earth, underground mullets, and a lack of dinosaurs.
“The Supernaturality of Skepticism”
The crew discusses the nature of skepticism with Mike and answer YOUR questions!
Kevin, Mike, and David discuss the Vatican Secret Archive, and we have a new theme song!
“Over the Moon Part 1: Fake Landings”
This week we’re tackling the controversial topic of the fake moon landings. We’ve got strong opinions about this one, so get ready for some not really hot takes!
Part one of two.
“Over the Moon Part 2: Fake Moon”
We’re back to explain why the moon is fake. Or maybe not there at all. Also, it needs a new name. Join us!
Part two of two.
Mike, David, and Kevin discuss the dead internet theory, the state of the web today, and the wild west days of the old web.
“Dead Internet Theory II: AI Harder”
David’s back with the horrors of AI content, it’s effect on society, and how it’s going to destroy your children. We’ve got the hottest of takes this week on Supernatural Selection!
“Dead Internet 3: Let’s all just live in a rotting stump, okay?”
David takes us back one last time (hopefully) to talk about the dystopian hellscape that is the modern internet, AI’s increasing roll and problems, and why techbros will be the end of us all.
Kevin breaks Mike’s brain by trying to explain the Super Spectrum!
It’s a look into the fascinating world of fungi with that fun guy David! We’re talking the horrors of regular fungi and the new horror that is the conspiracy of Cosmic Death Fungus spawned on 4chan!
It’s time to address the horny lizard in the room! The gang finally talks about The Lacerta Files and the Reptilian Sex Agenda in this week’s VERY NSFW Supernatural Selection!
We’re digging deep this week to talk about secret underground bases! Kevin tells us about the Denver International Airport and the fun conspiracies surrounding it and Dulce Base, one of the darker and dumber underground bases. Join you, won’t we?
Kevin and David take a look at some cults including a dance troupe and a beverage company!
This week Kevin takes a major hit to his sanity as he looks at the book “A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory” and tries to make some sense of it. Spoiler alert: He fails.
“Satanic Panic at the Disco: Dungeons and Dragons”
It’s the beginning of our Satanic Panic series as Kevin tells us about the weird time America was convinced a board game would kill its children!
“The Possessions of Loudun - Part One: The Nuns Aren’t In This Episode”
This week David continues our year of woo with the infamous possessions of Loudun and the Father Urbain Grandier!
Cryptids and Monsters
We discuss mysterious creatures; Bigfoot, Mothman, and that one cousin in your family.
Kevin and his guest David discuss the Mothman of Point Pleasant, West Virginia and his more recent appearances.
We’re back to our roots this week as Kevin takes us on a deeper dive into John Keel and the Mothman! There’s a lot of eating ass this week.
Kevin and David discuss the wide world of Hairy Bipeds and the Ape Canyon incident at Mount St. Helens!
Kevin and David discuss flying humanoids and Springheel Jack!
Kevin, David, and Mike discuss the legendary Flatwoods Monster and its surrounding mystery!
Kevin and David talk about the Fae, their nature, the Super Structure, and how ALL of this relates to modern aliens this week. Also JOKES!
Kevin and David embark on the first of a three-part series on the Fouke Monster of Arkansas as made famous in The Legend of Boggy Creek! We’ve got monster attacks, indie filmmakers, and a horse riding bigfoot, so saddle up!
Part one of three.
Kevin and David embark on the first of a three-part series on the Fouke Monster of Arkansas as made famous in The Legend of Boggy Creek! We’ve got monster attacks, indie filmmakers, and a horse riding bigfoot, so saddle up!
Part two of three.
In conclusion to our look at the Fouke Monster, David and Kevin took at The Legend of Boggy Creek, more recent sightings of the creature, and some lovely music.
Part three of three.
Kevin, Mike, and David discuss Santa and his Christmas posse.
This week the guys talk about the phenomena of Phantom Black Dogs and its possible origins. Mike remains unconvinced. . .
“The Weird World of American Cryptids Vol. 1”
David is here to school us all on some of America’s cryptids.
David takes us on a journey into the spooky world of La Llorona, her origins, and her strange link to Garbage Pail Kids.
David takes us through the strange and surprisingly complicated world of the Yokai with a selection of some classics and the origins of the idea!
“Creepy Crawlout Through the Fallout”
David leads the boys on a journey looking at the cryptids of our world as seen in the Fallout franchise of video games!
UFOs and UAPs
David's back and he's going to tell us about the Hopkinsville Goblin invasion in 1955! It's exciting! There's aliens, carnies, and possibly a mistreated chimp!
Mike and Kevin discuss the UFO phenomenon!
Kevin and David discuss the most sinister part of the UFO world, the Men in Black! Get ready for some wacked-out stories and some wacked-out theories!
“Men in Black 2: Return of Off the Rack Assholes”
It’s the return of the Men in Black! This week we have stories of MIB related deaths, Brad Steiger dealing with MIB agents, and the dangers of drugs and the MIB!Show Notes:
“The History of Assholes from Beyond”
Have you ever wondered if aliens have been coming here since the dawn of time? No? Well, we have and Kevin, Mike, and David are diving in to tell you about it in this mind-melting episode.
This week the gang talks about the 1973 abduction of two fishermen in Mississippi and how it changed two men’s lives.
We’re back again and we’re talking about Congress’s hearing on UAP’s and answering your questions!
The guys look at the hodge-podge madness that is the Black Knight Satellite! Is it an alien probe? Is it a tarp? Find out!
This week, Kevin explores one of his earliest UFO fascinations, the Cash-Landrum Incident from 1980. Now with more cancer!
Welcome to our 100th Episode! Kevin is FINALLY taking us on a long-promised journey into the world of all the alien species we know about! It’s funny, it’s strange, it’s All Them Aliens!
This is it! The Supernatpod crew FINALLY tackle the Roswell incident! Was it a UFO? Was it a weather balloon? Was it secret Russian birthday technology? Find out now!
“Valiant Thor and the Big Dumb Liar”
It’s time to dive into the incredibly weird world of Valiant Thor and Frank E. Stranges in this week’s episode! We look into the story of the Venusian who lived in the Pentagon and came to Earth to spread Jesus’ love!
“Refrigerators of the Gods: Skinwalker Ranch Part One”
It’s been a long time coming, but Kevin finally begins our journey to Skinwalker Ranch! This week we cover the early history of the ranch and the periods from 1994 to 2016.
Unsolved Oddities
Artifacts and stories with no discernable resolution. We’re just as frustrated as you are likely to be.
This week Kevin and Mike the Skeptic discuss a seven-year-old alien mystery from Reddit and time travel. A few drinks may have been involved, so apologies for any audio issues!
Kevin and Clark Wayne of Deviant Behavior Radio discuss ghosts and ghost hunting along with some personal experiences and insights into the world of the dead.
It’s opposite day as Kevin is the Skeptic and Mike brings up things that even Kevin the Bastard can’t believe!
Kevin and Clark Wayne discuss people who came from nowhere!
Kevin, Mike, David, and Clark come together for the first time to share their OWN spooky experiences! Aliens, ghosts, goblins, and Mike not believing any of it!
“The Halloween Spooktacular 2”
We're back for a belated Halloween and we're reading some of our favorite SCP's and answering YOUR questions!
In a special crossover episode with Key Party, Kevin and Clark Wayne are joined by Cassboodle and Benji Bear to talk about the bizarre world of alien sex. This episode is HIGHLY explicit.
You make me feel like dancing! But against my will! This week we’re talking about the Dancing Plagues that swept through medieval Europe and their possible causes!
Here come those bunnies hopping! It’s time for Easter so let’s ruin it by looking at the origins of the Easter Bunny and some extremely dumb theories about his origins!
This week the guys talk about the most mysterious book ever written, The Voynich Manuscript. Is it a hoax? Is it a book about plants? Is it by aliens? Find out with us!
“Bridgewater Triangle with Spooky Dice Bag!”
Kevin is joined this week by some of the crew of Spooky Dice Bag to discuss the Bridgewater Triangle and the paranormal in general!
This week Kevin takes us on a fascinating look at the Dogon Tribe of West Africa and their startling knowledge of an invisible star.
Join us this week as David takes us through the fascinating world of Tuberculosis! I mean GHOSTS! We’re talking the Waverly Hills Sanatorium! Possibly the most haunted place in America!
“What IF Aliens? - Crabs on Mars”
This week, David asks Mike and Kevin “What IF Aliens?” and the answer is obviously crabs on Mars. The guys take a look at the idea of realistic life on other planets and it’s possible effect on human society.
“The Saturn Death Cult and the Electric Universe”
This week Kevin takes us down the rabbit hole of two of the strangest conspiracies we’ve found and they’re both linked! Join us for the Saturn Death Cult and the Electric Universe! It’s a ride!
On this episode of Supernatural Selection, David tells us about frogs in folklore and religion, Kevin tells us about the most famous frog cryptid, and Mike regales us with Frog Facts!
Kevin tells us about various ghost lights around the world, both in folklore and places you can and see them right now!
“The Flying Dutchman - Pass the Dutchie on the Starboard Side”
It’s Nautical Nonsense this week on Supernat as David tells us about the oceanic boogieman that is the Flying Dutchman! Meanwhile, Kevin and Mike giggle at the word “seaman.”
“Deals With The Devil: Robert Johnson”
We’re selling our souls this week as David tells us about the classic Faustian bargain and with Kevin’s help tells us the story of blues musician Robert Johnson and his deal with the Devil at the crossroads!
Happy New Year! Let’s talk about burning people! This week David reads from the Malleus Maleficarum as Mike and Kevin marvel at the sheer amount of moisture involved.
Kevin and Mike fly alone as Kevin tells us about the world of modern day giant conspiracies, their origins, and how that makes him feel.
Character assassination? Maybe.
Kevin and Mike discuss the infamous Bob Lazar and his career at both Area 51 and the UFO world at large!
“A Brief History of Dumbass Time”
Kevin and Mike discuss alternative history theories and the insanity that IS Time Cube.
“Icke Can’t Believe It’s Not Lizards”
Kevin and Mike tackle the subject of the infamous David Icke and his belief that we’re ruled by Lizard People. Also, tracksuits.
Kevin and Mike dive into the world of Graham Hancock and his theories on lost civilizations and answer your questions. There’s also a drinking game to numb the pain.
David guides us through the life of Nostradamus in part one of a two-parter! There’s a lot going on here. :D
Part one of two.
“Nostradamus Part 2: The Myth”
In the second part of our look at Nostradamus, we examine his prophecies and their effect on world history and society.
“Internet Snake Oil or The Wacky World of Alex Chiu”
This week we’re talking about the shifty world of internet snake oil, specifically one Alex Chiu's inventions.
Part one of the Alex Chiu archives…
“Chui’s Life, Chui’s Gorgeouspil”
Kev, Mike, and David dip back into the DEEP well that is Alex Chui. This time we discuss his miracle pills and his incredibly questionable views on science and race.
Part two of the Alex Chiu archives…
“Peter Beter and the Russian Robotoids”
This week we tackle a lesser-known conspiracy theorist, Doctor Peter Beter, and his views on gold, race, and Russians.
“Zechariah Sitchin: Bitchin Bout Sitchin”
This week the guys talk about ancient astronauts, the Anunakki, and the bizarre theories of Zechariah Sitchin!
Kevin leads us on a journey through the fascinating and confusing world of Ingo Swann! Mike and David are subjected to more Moon conspiracies, remote viewing, and the world world of Black Ops!
“Whitley Strieber and Communion”
It’s finally here! The gang talks Whitley Strieber and his groundbreaking book “Communion” and its impact on UFO culture.
Kevin takes us this week through the bizarre world of Indrid Cold and the visitors from Lanulos!
Have you seen the fnords? Join us as Kevin takes us into the fascinating world of Discordianism! Philosophy, religion, and joke all at once. It’s a fun look into something you probably didn’t know has already affected your life!
“The Weird World of Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein’”
Kevin and Mike are uncultured buffoons as David tells us about the weird science involved with Mary Shelley and Frankenstein!
”Justified and Ancient - The KLF and Discordianism”
In our sequel to Discordianism, Kevin takes us through the bizarre story of the KLF and it’s ties to magical thinking and Discordianism.
“Heinrich Kramer - The Weirdo Scammer Who Burned Women”
We begin our look at the world of Magick as David tells us about historical incel Heinrich Kramer, author of the Malleus Maleficarum!
Week In Weird
The alternate weekly series covers new developments in oddity.
Mike, Kevin, and David discuss the paranormal news of the week and then kink-shame each other.
We’re back this week with more news you can’t use with the week in weird! NASA hiring theologians, the James Webb telescope, a lost dog and his best goat friend, and MORE!
We’re back with another Week in Weird! All the news that’s fit to rant!
This week we're talking alternate dimensional thieves, Havana Syndrome (again), and foul-mouth ghosts!
It’s time for the week in weird! We’re talking escaped demons, dying brains, and invasive spiders!
There’s severed heads and bologna smuggling in your Week in Weird!
It’s the Week in Weird! Kevin and Mike discuss a range of topics and show their age by sounding like a Billy Joel song!
It’s time for another Week in Weird! We’re talking birds, bunnies, and the horrible sounds of space!
We have a special guest this week for the Week in Weird! Mr. Robert Livingston! Find his comic work at Kaiju Dayz and Tom n’ Artie.
The hiatus ends, and the gang is back with the weirdest news they can find!
We’re back again with the weirdest news you can find! Mike talks a lot about AI in this one.
Week in Weird: The Golden Enriques (8/20/22)
It’s here! We’ve got your week in weird news AND we choose the most insane topic we’ve covered in our first fifty episodes! Find out who the winner is!
Week in Weird: Local Weird (9/17/22)
We’re back with tales of the strange from our necks of the wood! We’ve got talk about discoveries on the moon, really old teeth, and vampire tombs! There’s even some discussion about current events if you’re into that kind of thing!
Week in Weird: Sexy Plane Noises (9/30/22)
Kevin, Mike, and David talk about weird medicine, murder by the men in black, and sexy noises on planes!
Week in Weird: with Andy Richardson! (10/15/22)
This week we welcome Andy Richardson of Flagged 4 Content as we cover some of the strangest news we could find this week!
The guys talk about the weirdest things thing week and answer YOUR questions!
It's the Week in Weird and we're back, semi-healthy, and ready for a new year!
This week we talk the wonders of the universe, UAP's and the government, and discover some major differences between the hosts!
It’s the Week in Weird and this week we recorded live for our discord community! We shared some of their thoughts in the episode so check it out for the peanut gallery!
Week in Weird Special Report (2-18-23)
It’s a Week in Weird Special Report! Balloons! Stolen chocolate! Rat killing AI! Delicious extinct birds! It’s all here for you on Supernatural Selection!
We've got weird news and musings on Kevin's eating habits on this week's Week in Weird!
Week in Weird with Nick Arganbright (3-25-23)
The boys are joined this week by Nick Arganbright to discuss his new Kickstarter campaign for his comic, his podcasting, his stance on the paranormal, and the latest weird news!
Kevin and Mike bring you the weirdest news we can find this week!
It’s the Week in Weird and boy is this one chaotic after last week! Kevin is cut off from his sources and there’s some amazing questions from YOU the listeners!
It’s the Week in Weird and we’re talking about news and Kevin audits Mike and David for LRH!
It’s the Week in Weird! We’ve got incorruptible nuns, crashing homemade planes, and Mike hitting us with the Fungus update!
We’re scientifical and skeptical this Week in Weird as Mike and Kevin talk about the big news that dropped in Disclosure and UFO’s and some serious abuse of power for a cellphone!
It’s the Week in Weird and the guys have some of the most chaotic stories they could find this week!
It’s the Week in Weird! The guys talk about the passing of a Bigfoot hunter, possible stolen alien tech, and an adorable surfboard thief!
It’s the Week in Weird and the guys discuss creepy cat stealing dwarves, cocaine shark, and the literal question at the end of the universe!
Welcome back to a new Week in Weird! The guys talk haunted appliances, MORE killer fungi, and drunken monkeys!
Week in Weird: Poop Plane (9-11-23)
We’re back from Dragoncon and Mike, Kevin, and David bring you literally the strangest stories we could find for the Week in Weird!
It’s the Week in Weird! The guys find the most interesting and strange news they can and Kevin reads more from Phantoms and Monsters!
It’s your Week in Weird! Kevin and Mike discuss the latest in strange news and some questionable memories shared to Phantoms and Monsters dot com!
We’ve got AI shenanigans, classic UFO sightings in Mississippi, and an update on Alex Chiu in your Week in Weird!
Week In Weird with Ed Davis! (11/13/23)
Kevin, Mike, and David are joined by Ed Davis of https://www.finishlinecomics.com/ to talk about his new paranormal related comics, his upcoming Kickstarter, and to share in the weirdest news they can find including some fake news about Alex Jones!
Kevin and Mike take us through the weirdest and most interesting news they can find and answer YOUR questions!
David’s back! With the full crew back together, the guys discuss weird news and discover what kind of Starseed they are! You can too!
Happy New Year! It’s the Week in Weird and the guys have some strange news and some updates on past episodes!
Week in Weird - Hot Wheat (1-15-24)
It’s the Week in Weird! Mike tells us about some Ebay shenanigans, David blesses us with Spider Facts, and Kevin curses us with more Phantoms and Monsters. Plus, your questions answered!
It’s your week in weird and we’re talking AI, more cult news, and Elmo!
The boys are sleepy and full of beans in this week’s bonus Week in Weird! How DOES one go about stealing a radio tower, anyway?
Week in Weird - Cancer Wolves (2-27-24)
It’s the Week in Weird! The guys have stories about cancer, wolves, cancer wolves, and another installment of Phantoms and Monsters Theater!
Kevin and Mike are on their own and talk about Hellen Keller conspiracies, meteoric trucks, Phantoms and Monsters, and they answer YOUR questions!
The Supernat Crew is back with the strangest news they could find this week! Enjoy!
This week, the boys are talking supermarket UFO’s, monkey gangs, and RNA vaccines and the conspiracies they may spawn. All this, Phantoms & Monsters, and an update on Alex Chiu!
It’s a Week in Weird of updates! David updates us on the Voynich Manuscript, Kevin updates us on the Pascagoula abduction, and Mike tells us about monkey medicine! All this and more!
It’s the Week in Weird and the guys are talking where microplastics are stored, unrotting nuns, and A GIANT PILE OF MEAT. All this and Phantoms and Monsters Theater from Supernatural Selection!
This week for the Week in Weird the boys bring you Poop Balloons, Brain-puters, and an update on “A Brief History of Dumb-Ass Time”!
It’s a new Week in Weird and this time the crew talks goblin attacks in Zimbabwe, AI body horror, and the effects of the internet on primitive cultures!
Kevin, Mike and David are back with a new Week in Weird! Kevin rants about Coast to Coast AM, Mike tells us about sexually transmitted fungus, and David shares the nightmare that is daydreaming AI! All this and X gives it to us!
It’s your week in weird and we’ve got deadly mystery ocean bottles, a lack of dark matter, and, well, not-butter! All that and Reddit Already!
Week in Weird with Andy Richardson (7-22-24)
This week the guys are joined by Andy Richardson from Flagged for Content and Spooky Dice Bag as they run down the weirdest news available and talk a lot of crap.
It’s a Week in Weird and the guys have dug up the tastiest nuggets of strange news for this one! Plus the return of Phantoms and Monsters Theater!
Mike and Kevin bring you a week in weird with some interesting stories about science, space, and the Vatican along with answering your questions!
David’s back and Dragoncon is over so it’s time for a Week in Weird! We’ve got strange news and fun stories from Reddit!
Kevin and Mike are joined by their old friend Warren as they look into the strangest and most interesting news of the week!
Kevin, David, and Mike are back this week with news about Earth rings, Horse Cults, and exploding birds in your week in weird!
Is the Sun a telescope? Are 50 to 100 raccoons threatening? Is Bigfoot a Sovereign Citizen? All these questions and more on this week’s Supernatural Selection: The Week in Weird!
Sardines and Vienna Sausages! Dungeons and Dragons and social interactions! Alien Murder! It’s all here in the Week in Weird!
It’s the Week in Weird and we’ve got updates on mysterious songs, UFO community drama, science, and monkey prison escapes!
Microplastics! Monkey updates! Alex Jones’ insane URLS! All this and possibly the funniest humanoid encounter in human history on this week’s Week in Weird!
This week, the Supernatpod crew talk earworm removal, flying hamster, drones, and demonically possessed tractors in your Week in Weird!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! This week the guys are handing out the gift of weird-ass news so strap in and learn what Mike has discovered about Santa THIS year!
It’s an episode of strange animal news and technical hiccups as the Supernat crew soldier on to bring you the strangest news of the week plus Phantoms & Monsters Theater!
Space Eggs, Butter Golems, and AI torture! All this can ONLY mean it’s a Week In Weird! Let Kevin, Mike, and David guide you through the strangest news to be found this week!
Week in Weird with Andrew of T.O.M. Chronicles (2-17-25)
David’s back! This week the guys are Joined by Andrew of T.O.M. Chronicles to discuss his paranormal influences, what he believes in, his love of the goblins, and the latest news! Be sure to check the show notes for links to his project, team, and socials!
Mormon underwear, burning sex dolls, and archeology! It can only be the Week in Weird! All the strange news you can handle PLUS the sex crazed Oompa Loompas are back!
It’s a Week in Weird and the guys are talking about making love to trains, stealing genes from tardigrades, and (once again) eating the dodo bird.